Prabhu Life Insurance Ltd. (former Star Life Insurance Co. Ltd.) has been serving it’s valued customers since 2074 Mangsir 28 (December 14, 2017) by providing various life insurance products and services through its networks across Nepal. It belongs to the Prabhu Group of Companies, a renowned business group in the nation. This eminent group has diversified its wide ranges of amenities through various customer service platforms that have been touching the Nepalese lives every day in various aspects. This life insurance company has been majorly promoted by Prabhu Bank Limited and Shangrila Development Bank – well trusted financial brands in the country.
Prabhu Life Insurance Ltd. (bekas Star Life Insurance Co. Ltd.) telah berkhidmat sebagai pelanggan bernilai sejak 2074 Mangsir 28 (14 Disember 2017) dengan menyediakan pelbagai produk dan perkhidmatan insurans hayat melalui rangkaiannya di seluruh Nepal. Ia tergolong dalam Kumpulan Syarikat Prabhu, sebuah kumpulan perniagaan terkenal di negara ini. Kumpulan terkenal ini telah mempelbagaikan pelbagai kemudahannya melalui pelbagai platform perkhidmatan pelanggan yang menyentuh kehidupan Nepal setiap hari dalam pelbagai aspek. Syarikat insurans hayat ini telah dipromosikan oleh Prabhu Bank Limited dan Shangrila Development Bank - jenama kewangan yang dipercayai di negara ini.